“We approached Ritaand the Savvi course because our family needed a positive change. Communicationhad broken down, cohesiveness was lacking, and the siblings weren’t supportingeach other. We didn't know our family goals or values and needed expertguidance to realign us. Our goals with Savvi were clear: open up communication,get organised, enjoy each other’s company, and spend more quality timetogether. Although I had read Rita’s book "How to be Savvi" and triedto apply some techniques, having Rita’s independent, professional perspectivemade a world of difference. The transformation has been phenomenal. Our weeklymeetings have become a cornerstone for our family’s organisation andcommunication. We now discuss plans, set goals, and share ideas, which hasbrought us closer together and allowed us to make unified decisions aboutholidays and activities. Before Savvi, it was nearly impossible to get thechildren to engage in anything that wasn't their idea. Now, everyone feelsincluded and invested in our family’s decisions. Understanding our personalitytypes has been a game-changer, improving how we interact and communicate withone another. Another significant benefit was deciding our family valuestogether. This exercise bonded us and provided a framework for making decisionsthat align with our values. It created a strong foundation for making decisionsthat everyone respects and adheres to.! We wholeheartedly recommend SavviFamily Coaching. It has been incredibly beneficial, transforming how wefunction as a family and as a team. We now have constructive debates instead ofarguments, and our planning for the future is more cohesive and enjoyable.Savvi has brought about a truly positive change in our family dynamics andoverall well-being.